Wednesday 30 May 2012

Nightmares and Trees

Almost half way through now and I can't predict how the story is going to end - which is keeping me on the edge of my seat. In recent chapters Marty has been having flashbacks to something that happened in his childhood. From the few fragments written it seems that there may have been an accidental killing of (maybe) a sibling. Marty recalls a late night car trip to a sinkhole where his mum was crying hysterically as something was dragged and dropped into the hole...
On the other hand, Marty has a passion for trees. He is supporting an Iranian family by replanting the saplings that have been decimated by local racist teens. Of course, this brings him into closer contact with the lovely Nariah. Sigh.

Monday 28 May 2012

Pig Hunting episode

I know a few of you guys go pig hunting so I'd be keen to know if the author has captured the excitement in a realistic way.
Marty releases his three hunting dogs and the chase is on...
     Only Gwab was right there as the pig picked himself up. Gwab rushed in trying to snap at the pig's throat. But the boar was too fast. He spun sideways and lunged forward, lodging his razor-sharp tusk just under Gwab's breastplate... In a split second Gwab was opened up from his chest down to his back legs. Gutted. (p.37)
You think that's bad? Wait 'til you read what Marty did to the pig! It's a gripping read - and the dog's not dead yet!!!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Marty's Shadow by John Heffernan

I picked this one from Taminmin Library as it has a 'short listed' Children's Book Council of Australia medal on the front cover. I'm only one chapter in and the author has given me plenty of reasons to delve into chapter 2. So far there's a couple of abandoned teenage boys, fending for themselves; mum walked out seven years ago and dad is only home on weekends. Next, there's a love interest - Marty is intrigued by the bubbly and energetic new girl Nariah. And finally there's enough foreshadowing to reveal the protagonist as being handy with a hunting knife. There could well be a 'kill' down the track. Watch this space.