Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I am 250pp into this 450p novel. It is brilliant! It was recommended firstly by a colleague, and then my sister started nagging me to death about reading it. I even had to promise to put a reminder in big letters on my fridge: "READ HUNGER GAMES".
It is fantasy meets sci-fi comprising a delectable plot wherein select teenagers have to fight to the death for the amusement of the ruling Capitol citizens.
It's got the lot: suspense created through fear, loss, anger, cunning, confusion, exhibition of skill through brains and brawn, with an oh so subtle romantic tinge on the side.
I am cheering the protagonist on, all the while knowing that her victory means certain death for the other competitors.
The bad news? I'll be finished in a couple of hundred pages (sad face). The good news? This book is a trilogy!!! YAY!!!
Miss ^__^

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