Monday 2 December 2013

Dying To Know You

Dying to Know YouI'm half way through, but decided a mid point post was in order.
Boys, this one's not for you. It is a romance and it highlights the fundamental difference between the sexes - girls 'emote'; boys 'act'.
I found the premise to be implausible. In spite of that I have 'willingly suspended my disbelief' to work with the author as he painstakingly unearths the layers involved in 'falling hopelessly in love'.
Girls, I think you will enjoy this one, and I'd be keen to find out if you think the author gets it right.

     We slept that night better than any before.
     I was woken by Karl at dawn. There was just enough light filtering into the tent for me to see him. I have to explain that he had woken me each day at that time to make love, because he liked it best then. Afterwards we'd go to sleep again. I won't say I didn't like it because I did, but for Karl it was a special time and he was always urgent then... (pp.114-5)


Miss ^__^

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