Monday 9 November 2015

The Secret Chord

written by Geraldine Brooks

This work of fiction turns the Old Testament of The Bible on its head in regard to the famous King David. Brooks takes several liberties with her new novel. The classic tales are faithfully included, such as 'David and Goliath' but the contexts each have a cheeky yet plausible adaptation. I almost had to skip the parts where David and soul mate Jonathan (son of King Saul) are bonafide bed buddies. No matter. This is the 21st century, and I can hack it!
And who but Brooks would have the guts to state outright that Bathsheba was not so much a willing adulterous lover but rather a victim of rape. Hmmmmmm.
Yes, David writes poetry, fights wars, takes lovers and worships The Name. I was entertained, no doubt, but it was a work of fiction. If you are not familiar with the original text you may not be as entertained as I was. Worth a look - definitely older readers.

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