Wednesday 31 August 2016

DOUGY James Moloney

A quick post to recommend this novel. 'Dougy' is an engaging 106 page read in the style of John Marsden. It is based on the story of a family of indigenous teens in a remote Australian town. The dad has shot through and the mum works hard to provide a happy life for the kids - two brothers and a sister.
The plot is based around the daughter Gracey who has an amazing athletic ability in running. She wins a scholarship which will secure her future. Unfortunately, her luck riles many of the white community members who use her good fortune as an excuse to increase the racial divide. Then comes the flood. Throw in the fact that the phone lines get cut as a western style shootout arises and the novel becomes quite a page-turner!
I think this novel would appeal to boys and girls around 12-14 years old, although I have had a few of my 15 year old footy-type male students say they have enjoyed the book.

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