Monday, 8 March 2021

Catch Me If I Fall


Barry Jonsberg 2020

The story begins innocently enough with a gentle look into the family life of the 12-year-old protagonist twins, until Jonsberg drops a few sinister clues which foreshadow that all is not as it seems… something outrageous has happened to the climate, for starters. (This is not such a surprising theme given that 'climate change’ is currently a huge and controversial issue.)

As the blurb relates, one of the twins undergoes a personality change of sorts after a near fatal accident. Watching the transformation in the twins’ relationship, post-accident, is captivating – hence the title. Will their relationship survive? Throw in a super intelligent mother and a compliant father in addition to the twins, and the reader is craving to see what unfolds.

But by the time the twins meet a cluster of gypsy-like Mad-Maxian kids in the local park, and receive an ‘AI’ puppy for their birthday, you find yourself unexpectedly immersed in pure sci-fi!

              It had only taken the dog a day to learn the sound of his name… I thought that was brilliant and just the way a real dog would behave…

              ‘How does he get his power?’ asked Charlotte.

              ‘You see his fur? Each strand is a tiny fibre optic cable. All together they act like about a zillion solar panels.’ (pp.104-5)

The story’s intensity increases as it develops, throwing the reader into an almost philosophical head space where one can speculate about both surviving an apocalypse and the place of Artificial Intelligence. Yes, these themes have been done before but Jonsberg masterfully revisits each by imbibing a fresh take on them for teen readers.

I feel the ending of the novel lends itself to a sequel! I’d recommend this novel to readers aged 10 – 14. It is a satisfying sci-fi read with enough twists to keep you turning the pages.


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