By Eddie Jaku ©2020
The cover reads: A
Holocaust survivor shares how he found gratitude, kindness and hope in the
darkest of places. This memoir can be read in one sitting. Jaku shares his
memories of the hell that was the Holocaust in small snapshots. A good idea,
really, as one long discourse of the inhumanity and terror would be too hard to
Do I hate that man?
No, I do not hate anyone. He was just weak and probably as scared as I was. He
let his fear overtake his morals. And I know that for every cruel person in the
world, there is a kind one… (p.105)
Suffice to say, this man is riddled with positivity. He survived
on hope, living one day at a time, using intuition and taking calculated risks.
He talks about broken bones and bullet wounds in the same way as I would tell
you what I put on my toast this morning. Jaku has supreme faith in humanity –
he doesn’t dwell on aberrations such as Hitler and the Nazis. At over 100 years
old, we can learn much wisdom from this man. Check out his Ted Talk, much of
which is in the book.
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