Tuesday 29 March 2011

The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group

Catherine Jinks has done it again. With her irreverent humour and gnarly teen themes she has concocted a rather fun read about a lad who discovers that when the moon is right he morphs into a violent werewolf (hmm, violent werewolf - is there any other kind??)
So, Year 9, if you are still looking for a good read this could well be it. Here's an excerpt to whet your appetite: 
'Behavioural problems?' Mum echoed, all at sea. By this time Reuben was shifting about like someone sitting on a hotplate.
'I turn into a wild animal,' he said roughly. 'No one can stop it.' He wiped his hand across his mouth as he stared at the floor. A muscle in his cheek was twitching. 'It's dangerous,' he finally concluded. 'If you don't take precautions, things can get...' He trailed off.
After a moment's silence, Father Ramon finished the sentence for him. 'Things can get out of control. People can get hurt.' The priest placed his palms together, leaning forward, brow furrowed. 'That's why we had to warn you. If Toby is affected, then his condition will have to be managed properly. Otherwise he might attack someone.'
The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks (C) 2010

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