Thursday 17 November 2011

In ecstasy- Kate McCaffrey - blog by Maddy Slade 9D

In ecstasy is a book about two young girls around 15-16, First girl (Sophie) is a beautiful girl who get all the boys attention and another girl (Mia) shy, smart and funny. These to have been best friend since they could walk.
One night they were invited to a party, they didn’t enjoy it as much as they thought, until they were offered E (ecstasy) it took 20min then they loved to world, everyone was beautiful, they mia met Lewis, schools biggest hunk!
Mia and Sophie were invited by Lewis to a club they jumped in the car and took more E Sophie was in the back seat with Lewis’ mate “glen”
I like the book it relates to everyday living, the book is very believable because i know many people that this has happened to, i was a confusion for me at the beginning but then it got real interesting and detailed. Its relates to teens easily because they fight with friend, parents and boyfriends.
“I knew I was going to try E one day” this bit made me realise she wasn’t as innocent as I thought.
I like the book so far.

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